National Motorsport Academy

Motorsport Composites Careers

About the Job Role:

Motorsport Design Engineer, Fabricator, Composites Trimmer/Fitter/Technician, Materials Tester

Motorsport composites roles bridge the gap between Aerodynamics, R&D and Design & Manufacture. Composite technicians must have a good level of understanding of vehicle design and homologation processes as well as a formal scientific or engineering qualification which covered the basics in synthetic and polymer chemistry, materials handling and CAD.

About the Person:

Motorsport composites jobs generally require the following personal attributes:

  • Hands-on problem solver
  • Innovative and creative thinker
  • Mathematically adept
  • Exceptional attention to detail
  • Ability to measure, interpret and analyse data

Jobs in composites can be a great way to get a deeper understanding into the design and manufacturing processes involved in motorsport and are most suited to hands-on, creative yet analytical individuals. The great thing about a career in composites is that once you are trained, your employability is multi-sector. From motorsport to leisure, bikes to boats, composites are used in all manner of products. It’s also an area where experience is rewarded as there are many opportunities for promotion within a team once you’ve proven yourself.

About the Tech:

Composites jobs in motorsport usually involve designing and making fairings, body shells and other non-mechanical parts, usually out of carbon fiber. Composites are defined as being combined materials which are blended to increase the properties of each material. In motorsport, carbon fiber is most often combined with a plastic resin which can then be moulded and baked to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer producing an extremely high strength-to-volume ratio. This gives massive benefits where a strong material is needed but where weight and density are an issue. Carbon-fiber can also be composited with other materials to give further enhanced properties such as improved thermal insulation and further reduced weight.

About the Course:

When you study with the National Motorsport Academy, you’ll get the best grounding in all aspects of motorsport engineering. You’ll cover everything from engine simulation, aerodynamics, race preparation and race car design which will also help you understand the importance of composites. You can find out more about the content of our courses in our latest prospectus. Or just get in touch to discuss the course in more detail.

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