Remember I said that there was a second book coming out soon?
I got my Father’s Day card at 7.30am on Sunday morning and with it I got an IOU – It seems that Blog Post Junior reads what his dad writes and was going to get me the second novel of Toby Vintcent – CRASH.
Woooo, I have been wanting this since I read the first novel and thought it was wonderful.
Well, it has now arrived from a well known online book store (“others are available” as they say on the BBC, Ed) and but a few days later I have devoured it. So the big question – just the like the second album of a new wonder band – does it live up to the first? A monster YES is the answer.
It is different, very different in fact, from the first in a way that I am not going to go into because I hate spoilers but the difference has been wound in with such skill that this new story feels like it follows on just where the last one left off.
The topicality of its content; the feeling that this was written as F1 events unfolded or could have unfolded is something that gives such authenticity to its story that I almost believe it is true and should be in Autosport! Put another way, if I were at the Russian Grand Prix when I had got this book or started reading it or perhaps was due to fly out to a less than democratic countries’ Grand Prix then I would truly have got the heeby geebies.
Some of you will read the book and perhaps think that the story is a little far-fetched but can I remind you that our own F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone paid a $100million bribe, whoops, payment to end a German bribery trial that he hadn’t been found guilty of! And that is in real life! And remember the FIA supremo Max Mosley who supposedly had a penchant for dungeons and orgies…..(STOP, I cant afford the lawyers, let alone the damages, Ed)
I truly think that Toby Vintcent has got the makings of an Alex Cross or Jack Ryan character going with his lead, Matt Straker and knowing that a third book is planned I am now hoping it is going to be on my Santa List (Somebody else can tell him that Father Christmas doesn’t exist; I’m not, Ed)
If you have not got it on order, or have not got a birthday coming up then make the investment yourself – you will not regret it I can assure you.
Next time the blog will be back to the actual motor racing. The NMA Mosler has its new engine now and will be out very soon – maybe Oulton Park GT Cup but more likely the Donington round – come and see us and say hello.
Roger Grimshaw – NMA Tutor